
2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 20132012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 20082007 | 2005


Jadhav, B., Garg, P., van Vugt, J. J. F. A., Ibanez, K., Gagliardi, D., Lee, W., Shadrina, M., Mokveld, T., Dolzhenko, E., Martin-Trujillo, A., Gies, S. J., Altman, G., Rocca, C., Barbosa, M., Jain, M., Lahiri, N., Lachlan, K., Houlden, H., Paten, B., … Sharp, A. J. (2024). A phenome-wide association study of methylated GC-rich repeats identifies a GCC repeat expansion in AFF3 associated with intellectual disability. Nature Genetics, 56(11), 2322–2332. 

Kaur, G., Perteghella, T., Carbonell-Sala, S., Gonzalez-Martinez, J., Hunt, T., Mądry, T., Jungreis, I., Arnan, C., Lagarde, J., Borsari, B., Sisu, C., Jiang, Y., Bennett, R., Berry, A., Cerdán-Vélez, D., Cochran, K., Vara, C., Davidson, C., Donaldson, S., … Guigó, R. (2024). GENCODE: massively expanding the lncRNA catalog through capture long-read RNA sequencing. In bioRxiv. 

Kolesnikov, A., Cook, D., Nattestad, M., Brambrink, L., McNulty, B., Gorzynski, J., Goenka, S., Ashley, E. A., Jain, M., Miga, K. H., Paten, B., Chang, P.-C., Carroll, A., & Shafin, K. (2024). Local read haplotagging enables accurate long-read small variant calling. Nature Communications, 15(1), 5907. 

Logsdon, G. A., Ebert, P., Audano, P. A., Loftus, M., Porubsky, D., Ebler, J., Yilmaz, F., Hallast, P., Prodanov, T., Yoo, D., Paisie, C. A., Harvey, W. T., Zhao, X., Martino, G. V., Henglin, M., Munson, K. M., Rabbani, K., Chin, C.-S., Gu, B., … Marschall, T. (2024). Complex genetic variation in nearly complete human genomes. In bioRxiv. 

Mastoras, M., Asri, M., Brambrink, L., Hebbar, P., Kolesnikov, A., Cook, D. E., Nattestad, M., Lucas, J., Won, T. S., Chang, P.-C., Carroll, A., Paten, B., & Shafin, K. (2024). Highly accurate assembly polishing with DeepPolisher. In bioRxiv. 

McDaniel, J. H., Patel, V., Olson, N. D., He, H.-J., He, Z., Cole, K. D., Schmitt, A., Sikkink, K., Sedlazeck, F. J., Doddapaneni, H., Jhangiani, S. N., Muzny, D. M., Gingras, M.-C., Mehta, H., Paulin, L. F., Hastie, A. R., Yu, H.-C., Weigman, V., Rojas, A., … Zook, J. M. (2024). Development and extensive sequencing of a broadly-consented Genome in a Bottle matched tumor-normal pair. In bioRxiv. 

Mudge, J. M., Carbonell-Sala, S., Diekhans, M., Martinez, J. G., Hunt, T., Jungreis, I., Loveland, J. E., Arnan, C., Barnes, I., Bennett, R., Berry, A., Bignell, A., Cerdán-Vélez, D., Cochran, K., Cortés, L. T., Davidson, C., Donaldson, S., Dursun, C., Fatima, R., … Frankish, A. (2024). GENCODE 2025: reference gene annotation for human and mouse. Nucleic Acids Research. 

Negi, S., Stenton, S. L., Berger, S. I., McNulty, B., Violich, I., Gardner, J., Hillaker, T., O’Rourke, S. M., O’Leary, M. C., Carbonell, E., Austin-Tse, C., Lemire, G., Serrano, J., Mangilog, B., VanNoy, G., Kolmogorov, M., Vilain, E., O’Donnell-Luria, A., Délot, E., … Paten, B. (2024). Advancing long-read nanopore genome assembly and accurate variant calling for rare disease detection. In medRxiv. 

Novak, A. M., Chung, D., Hickey, G., Djebali, S., Yokoyama, T. T., Garrison, E., Narzisi, G., Paten, B., & Monlong, J. (2024). Efficient indexing and querying of annotations in a pangenome graph. In bioRxiv. 

Park, J., Cook, D. E., Chang, P.-C., Kolesnikov, A., Brambrink, L., Mier, J. C., Gardner, J., McNulty, B., Sacco, S., Keskus, A., Bryant, A., Ahmad, T., Shetty, J., Zhao, Y., Tran, B., Narzisi, G., Helland, A., Yoo, B., Pushel, I., … Shafin, K. (2024). DeepSomatic: Accurate somatic small variant discovery for multiple sequencing technologies. In bioRxiv. 

Sirén, J., Eskandar, P., Ungaro, M. T., Hickey, G., Eizenga, J. M., Novak, A. M., Chang, X., Chang, P.-C., Kolmogorov, M., Carroll, A., Monlong, J., & Paten, B. (2024). Personalized pangenome references. Nature Methods, 21(11), 2017–2023. 

Yoo, D., Rhie, A., Hebbar, P., Antonacci, F., Logsdon, G. A., Solar, S. J., Antipov, D., Pickett, B. D., Safonova, Y., Montinaro, F., Luo, Y., Malukiewicz, J., Storer, J. M., Lin, J., Sequeira, A. N., Mangan, R. J., Hickey, G., Anez, G. M., Balachandran, P., … Eichler, E. E. (2024). Complete sequencing of ape genomes. In bioRxiv. 

Gaddis, N., Fortriede, J., Guo, M., Bardes, E. E., Kouril, M., Tabar, S., Burns, K., Ardini-Poleske, M. E., Loos, S., Schnell, D., Jin, K., Iyer, B., Du, Y., Huo, B.-X., Bhattacharjee, A., Korte, J., Munshi, R., Smith, V., Herbst, A., … Salomonis, N. (2024). LungMAP portal ecosystem: Systems-level exploration of the lung. American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology, 70(2), 129–139.

Genner, R., Akeson, S., Meredith, M., Jerez, P. A., Malik, L., Baker, B., Miano-Burkhardt, A., Paten, B., Billingsley, K. J., Blauwendraat, C., Jain, M., & CARD-long-read Team. (2024). Assessing methylation detection for primary human tissue using Nanopore sequencing. In bioRxiv.

Gonzalez-Ferrer, J., Lehrer, J., O’Farrell, A., Paten, B., Teodorescu, M., Haussler, D., Jonsson, V. D., & Mostajo-Radji, M. A. (2024). SIMS: A deep-learning label transfer tool for single-cell RNA sequencing analysis. Cell Genomics, 4(6), 100581.

Hickey, G., Monlong, J., Ebler, J., Novak, A. M., Eizenga, J. M., Gao, Y., Abel, H. J., Antonacci-Fulton, L. L., Asri, M., Baid, G., Baker, C. A., Belyaeva, A., Billis, K., Bourque, G., Buonaiuto, S., Carroll, A., Chaisson, M. J. P., Chang, P.-C., Chang, X. H., … Human Pangenome Reference Consortium. (2024). Pangenome graph construction from genome alignments with Minigraph-Cactus. Nature Biotechnology, 42(4), 663–673.

Keskus, A., Bryant, A., Ahmad, T., Yoo, B., Aganezov, S., Goretsky, A., Donmez, A., Lansdon, L. A., Rodriguez, I., Park, J., Liu, Y., Cui, X., Gardner, J., McNulty, B., Sacco, S., Shetty, J., Zhao, Y., Tran, B., Narzisi, G., … Kolmogorov, M. (2024). Severus: accurate detection and characterization of somatic structural variation in tumor genomes using long reads. In bioRxiv.

Kuderna, L. F. K., Ulirsch, J. C., Rashid, S., Ameen, M., Sundaram, L., Hickey, G., Cox, A. J., Gao, H., Kumar, A., Aguet, F., Christmas, M. J., Clawson, H., Haeussler, M., Janiak, M. C., Kuhlwilm, M., Orkin, J. D., Bataillon, T., Manu, S., Valenzuela, A., … Farh, K. K.-H. (2024). Identification of constrained sequence elements across 239 primate genomes. Nature, 625(7996), 735–742.

Lorig-Roach, R., Meredith, M., Monlong, J., Jain, M., Olsen, H., McNulty, B., Porubsky, D., Montague, T., Lucas, J., Condon, C., Eizenga, J. M., Juul, S., McKenzie, S., Simmonds, S. E., Park, J., Asri, M., Koren, S., Eichler, E., Axel, R., … Paten, B. (2024). Phased nanopore assembly with Shasta and modular graph phasing with GFAse. Genome Research, 34(3).

Makova, K. D., Pickett, B. D., Harris, R. S., Hartley, G. A., Cechova, M., Pal, K., Nurk, S., Yoo, D., Li, Q., Hebbar, P., McGrath, B. C., Antonacci, F., Aubel, M., Biddanda, A., Borchers, M., Bornberg-Bauer, E., Bouffard, G. G., Brooks, S. Y., Carbone, L., … Phillippy, A. M. (2024). The complete sequence and comparative analysis of ape sex chromosomes. Nature, 630(8016), 401–411.

Mao, Y., Harvey, W. T., Porubsky, D., Munson, K. M., Hoekzema, K., Lewis, A. P., Audano, P. A., Rozanski, A., Yang, X., Zhang, S., Yoo, D., Gordon, D. S., Fair, T., Wei, X., Logsdon, G. A., Haukness, M., Dishuck, P. C., Jeong, H., del Rosario, R., … Eichler, E. E. (2024). Structurally divergent and recurrently mutated regions of primate genomes. Cell, 187(6), 1547-1562.e13.

Mirarab, S., Rivas-González, I., Feng, S., Stiller, J., Fang, Q., Mai, U., Hickey, G., Chen, G., Brajuka, N., Fedrigo, O., Formenti, G., Wolf, J. B. W., Howe, K., Antunes, A., Schierup, M. H., Paten, B., Jarvis, E. D., Zhang, G., & Braun, E. L. (2024). A region of suppressed recombination misleads neoavian phylogenomics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 121(15).

Raney, B. J., Barber, G. P., Benet-Pagès, A., Casper, J., Clawson, H., Cline, M. S., Diekhans, M., Fischer, C., Navarro Gonzalez, J., Hickey, G., Hinrichs, A. S., Kuhn, R. M., Lee, B. T., Lee, C. M., Le Mercier, P., Miga, K. H., Nassar, L. R., Nejad, P., Paten, B., … Haeussler, M. (2024). The UCSC Genome Browser database: 2024 update. Nucleic Acids Research, 52(D1), D1082–D1088.

Taylor, D. J., Eizenga, J. M., Li, Q., Das, A., Jenike, K. M., Kenny, E. E., Miga, K. H., Monlong, J., McCoy, R. C., Paten, B., & Schatz, M. C. (2024). Beyond the Human Genome Project: The age of complete human genome sequences and pangenome references. Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics.

Wirthlin, M. E., Schmid, T. A., Elie, J. E., Zhang, X., Kowalczyk, A., Redlich, R., Shvareva, V. A., Rakuljic, A., Ji, M. B., Bhat, N. S., Kaplow, I. M., Schäffer, D. E., Lawler, A. J., Wang, A. Z., Phan, B. N., Annaldasula, S., Brown, A. R., Lu, T., Lim, B. K., … Zoonomia Consortium. (2024). Vocal learning–associated convergent evolution in mammalian proteins and regulatory elements. Science (New York, N.Y.), 383(6690).


Ahalt, S., Avillach, P., Boyles, R., Bradford, K., Cox, S., Davis-Dusenbery, B., Grossman, R. L., Krishnamurthy, A., Manning, A., Paten, B., Philippakis, A., Borecki, I., Chen, S. H., Kaltman, J., Ladwa, S., Schwartz, C., Thomson, A., Davis, S., Leaf, A., … Asare, J. (2023). Building a collaborative cloud platform to accelerate heart, lung, blood, and sleep research. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association: JAMIA30(7), 1293–1300. 

Andrews, G., Fan, K., Pratt, H. E., Phalke, N., Karlsson, E. K., Lindblad-Toh, K., Gazal, S., Moore, J. E., Weng, Z., Andrews, G., Armstrong, J. C., Bianchi, M., Birren, B. W., Bredemeyer, K. R., Breit, A. M., Christmas, M. J., Clawson, H., Damas, J., Di Palma, F., … Zoonomia Consortium§. (2023). Mammalian evolution of human cis-regulatory elements and transcription factor binding sites. Science (New York, N.Y.)380(6643).

Chen, S. H., Kaltman, J., Ladwa, S., Schwartz, C., Thomson, A., Davis, S., Leaf, A., … Asare, J. (2023). Building a collaborative cloud platform to accelerate heart, lung, blood, and sleep research. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association: JAMIA30(7), 1293–1300.

Christmas, M. J., Kaplow, I. M., Genereux, D. P., Dong, M. X., Hughes, G. M., Li, X., Sullivan, P. F., Hindle, A. G., Andrews, G., Armstrong, J. C., Bianchi, M., Breit, A. M., Diekhans, M., Fanter, C., Foley, N. M., Goodman, D. B., Goodman, L., Keough, K. C., Kirilenko, B., … Zoonomia Consortium§. (2023). Evolutionary constraint and innovation across hundreds of placental mammals. Science (New York, N.Y.)380(6643).

Fahlgren, N., Kapoor, M., Yordanova, G., Papatheodorou, I., Waese, J., Cole, B., Harrison, P., Ware, D., Tickle, T., Paten, B., Burdett, T., Elsik, C. G., Tuggle, C. K., & Provart, N. J. (2023). Toward a data infrastructure for the Plant Cell Atlas. Plant Physiology191(1), 35–46.

Foley, N. M., Mason, V. C., Harris, A. J., Bredemeyer, K. R., Damas, J., Lewin, H. A., Eizirik, E., Gatesy, J., Karlsson, E. K., Lindblad-Toh, K., Springer, M. S., Murphy, W. J., Andrews, G., Armstrong, J. C., Bianchi, M., Birren, B. W., Bredemeyer, K. R., Breit, A. M., Christmas, M. J., … Zoonomia Consortium‡. (2023). A genomic timescale for placental mammal evolution. Science (New York, N.Y.)380(6643).

Frankish, A., Carbonell-Sala, S., Diekhans, M., Jungreis, I., Loveland, J. E., Mudge, J. M., Sisu, C., Wright, J. C., Arnan, C., Barnes, I., Banerjee, A., Bennett, R., Berry, A., Bignell, A., Boix, C., Calvet, F., Cerdán-Vélez, D., Cunningham, F., Davidson, C., … Flicek, P. (2023). GENCODE: reference annotation for the human and mouse genomes in 2023. Nucleic Acids Research51(D1), D942–D949.

Guarracino, A., Buonaiuto, S., de Lima, L. G., Potapova, T., Rhie, A., Koren, S., Rubinstein, B., Fischer, C., Abel, H. J., Antonacci-Fulton, L. L., Asri, M., Baid, G., Baker, C. A., Belyaeva, A., Billis, K., Bourque, G., Carroll, A., Chaisson, M. J. P., Chang, P.-C., … Human Pangenome Reference Consortium. (2023). Recombination between heterologous human acrocentric chromosomes. Nature617(7960), 335–343.

Hickey, G., Monlong, J., Ebler, J., Novak, A. M., Eizenga, J. M., Gao, Y., Abel, H. J., Antonacci-Fulton, L. L., Asri, M., Baid, G., Baker, C. A., Belyaeva, A., Billis, K., Bourque, G., Buonaiuto, S., Carroll, A., Chaisson, M. J. P., Chang, P.-C., Chang, X. H., … Human Pangenome Reference Consortium. (2023). Pangenome graph construction from genome alignments with Minigraph-Cactus. Nature Biotechnology.

Jadhav, B., Garg, P., van Vugt, J. J. F. A., Garikano, K. I., Gagliardi, D., Lee, W., Martin-Trujillo, A., Gies, S. L., Barbosa, M., Jain, M., Houlden, H., Paten, B., Veldink, J., Tucci, A., Sharp, A. J., Genomics England Research Consortium, & Project MinE ALS Sequencing Consortium. (2023). A GCC repeat expansion inAFF3is a significant cause of intellectual disability. In bioRxiv.

Jain, S., Pei, L., Spraggins, J. M., Angelo, M., Carson, J. P., Gehlenborg, N., Ginty, F., Gonçalves, J. P., Hagood, J. S., Hickey, J. W., Kelleher, N. L., Laurent, L. C., Lin, S., Lin, Y., Liu, H., Naba, A., Nakayasu, E. S., Qian, W.-J., Radtke, A., … HuBMAP Consortium. (2023). Advances and prospects for the human BioMolecular atlas program (HuBMAP). Nature Cell Biology25(8), 1089–1100.

Kaplow, I. M., Lawler, A. J., Schäffer, D. E., Srinivasan, C., Sestili, H. H., Wirthlin, M. E., Phan, B. N., Prasad, K., Brown, A. R., Zhang, X., Foley, K., Genereux, D. P., Karlsson, E. K., Lindblad-Toh, K., Meyer, W. K., Pfenning, A. R., Andrews, G., Armstrong, J. C., Bianchi, M., … Zoonomia Consortium**. (2023). Relating enhancer genetic variation across mammals to complex phenotypes using machine learning. Science (New York, N.Y.)380(6643).

Keough, K. C., Whalen, S., Inoue, F., Przytycki, P. F., Fair, T., Deng, C., Steyert, M., Ryu, H., Lindblad-Toh, K., Karlsson, E., Nowakowski, T., Ahituv, N., Pollen, A., Pollard, K. S., Andrews, G., Armstrong, J. C., Bianchi, M., Birren, B. W., Bredemeyer, K. R., … Zoonomia Consortium§. (2023). Three-dimensional genome rewiring in loci with human accelerated regions. Science (New York, N.Y.)380(6643).

Kirilenko, B. M., Munegowda, C., Osipova, E., Jebb, D., Sharma, V., Blumer, M., Morales, A. E., Ahmed, A.-W., Kontopoulos, D.-G., Hilgers, L., Lindblad-Toh, K., Karlsson, E. K., Hiller, M., Andrews, G., Armstrong, J. C., Bianchi, M., Birren, B. W., Bredemeyer, K. R., Breit, A. M., … Zoonomia Consortium‡. (2023). Integrating gene annotation with orthology inference at scale. Science (New York, N.Y.)380(6643).

Kolmogorov, M., Billingsley, K. J., Mastoras, M., Meredith, M., Monlong, J., Lorig-Roach, R., Asri, M., Alvarez Jerez, P., Malik, L., Dewan, R., Reed, X., Genner, R. M., Daida, K., Behera, S., Shafin, K., Pesout, T., Prabakaran, J., Carnevali, P., North American Brain Expression Consortium (NABEC), … Paten, B. (2023). Scalable Nanopore sequencing of human genomes provides a comprehensive view of haplotype-resolved variation and methylation. BioRxiv.Org: The Preprint Server for Biology.

Liao, W.-W., Asri, M., Ebler, J., Doerr, D., Haukness, M., Hickey, G., Lu, S., Lucas, J. K., Monlong, J., Abel, H. J., Buonaiuto, S., Chang, X. H., Cheng, H., Chu, J., Colonna, V., Eizenga, J. M., Feng, X., Fischer, C., Fulton, R. S., … Paten, B. (2023). A draft human pangenome reference. Nature617(7960), 312–324.

Lorig-Roach, R., Meredith, M., Monlong, J., Jain, M., Olsen, H., McNulty, B., Porubsky, D., Montague, T., Lucas, J., Condon, C., Eizenga, J., Juul, S., McKenzie, S., Simmonds, S. E., Park, J., Asri, M., Koren, S., Eichler, E., Axel, R., … Paten, B. (2023). Phased nanopore assembly with Shasta and modular graph phasing with GFAse. BioRxiv.Org: The Preprint Server for Biology.

Mao, Y., Harvey, W. T., Porubsky, D., Munson, K. M., Hoekzema, K., Lewis, A. P., Audano, P. A., Rozanski, A., Yang, X., Zhang, S., Gordon, D. S., Wei, X., Logsdon, G. A., Haukness, M., Dishuck, P. C., Jeong, H., Del Rosario, R., Bauer, V. L., Fattor, W. T., … Eichler, E. E. (2023). Structurally divergent and recurrently mutated regions of primate genomes. BioRxiv.Org: The Preprint Server for Biology.

Marco-Sola, S., Eizenga, J. M., Guarracino, A., Paten, B., Garrison, E., & Moreto, M. (2023). Optimal gap-affine alignment in O(s) space. Bioinformatics (Oxford, England)39(2).

Moon, K. L., Huson, H. J., Morrill, K., Wang, M.-S., Li, X., Srikanth, K., Lindblad-Toh, K., Svenson, G. J., Karlsson, E. K., Shapiro, B., Andrews, G., Armstrong, J. C., Bianchi, M., Birren, B. W., Bredemeyer, K. R., Breit, A. M., Christmas, M. J., Clawson, H., Damas, J., … Zoonomia Consortium. (2023). ​Comparative genomics of Balto, a famous historic dog, captures lost diversity of 1920s sled dogs. Science (New York, N.Y.)380(6643).

Osmanski, A. B., Paulat, N. S., Korstian, J., Grimshaw, J. R., Halsey, M., Sullivan, K. A. M., Moreno-Santillán, D. D., Crookshanks, C., Roberts, J., Garcia, C., Johnson, M. G., Densmore, L. D., Stevens, R. D., Rosen, J., Storer, J. M., Hubley, R., Smit, A. F. A., Dávalos, L. M., Karlsson, E. K., … Zoonomia Consortium†. (2023). Insights into mammalian TE diversity through the curation of 248 genome assemblies. Science (New York, N.Y.)380(6643).

Paulat, N. S., Storer, J. M., Moreno-Santillán, D. D., Osmanski, A. B., Sullivan, K. A. M., Grimshaw, J. R., Korstian, J., Halsey, M., Garcia, C. J., Crookshanks, C., Roberts, J., Smit, A. F. A., Hubley, R., Rosen, J., Teeling, E. C., Vernes, S. C., Myers, E., Pippel, M., Brown, T., … Zoonomia Consortium. (2023). Chiropterans are a hotspot for horizontal transfer of DNA transposons in mammalia. Molecular Biology and Evolution40(5).

Porubsky, D., Harvey, W. T., Rozanski, A. N., Ebler, J., Höps, W., Ashraf, H., Hasenfeld, P., Paten, B., Sanders, A. D., Marschall, T., Korbel, J. O., Eichler, E. E., Human Pangenome Reference Consortium (HPRC), & Human Genome Structural Variation Consortium (HGSVC). (2023). Inversion polymorphism in a complete human genome assembly. Genome Biology24(1).

Porubsky, D., Vollger, M. R., Harvey, W. T., Rozanski, A. N., Ebert, P., Hickey, G., Hasenfeld, P., Sanders, A. D., Stober, C., Korbel, J. O., Paten, B., Marschall, T., Eichler, E. E., & Human Pangenome Reference Consortium. (2023). Gaps and complex structurally variant loci in phased genome assemblies. Genome Research33(4), 496–510.

Sibbesen, J. A., Eizenga, J. M., Novak, A. M., Sirén, J., Chang, X., Garrison, E., & Paten, B. (2023). Haplotype-aware pantranscriptome analyses using spliced pangenome graphs. Nature Methods20(2), 239–247.

Sukoff Rizzo, S. J., Homanics, G., Schaeffer, D. J., Schaeffer, L., Park, J. E., Oluoch, J., Zhang, T., Haber, A., Seyfried, N. T., Paten, B., Greenwood, A., Murai, T., Choi, S. H., Huhe, H., Kofler, J., Strick, P. L., Carter, G. W., & Silva, A. C. (2023). Bridging the rodent to human translational gap: Marmosets as model systems for the study of Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s & Dementia (New York, N. Y.)9(3).

Sullivan, P. F., Meadows, J. R. S., Gazal, S., Phan, B. N., Li, X., Genereux, D. P., Dong, M. X., Bianchi, M., Andrews, G., Sakthikumar, S., Nordin, J., Roy, A., Christmas, M. J., Marinescu, V. D., Wallerman, O., Xue, J. R., Li, Y., Yao, S., Sun, Q., … Lindblad-Toh, K. (2023). Leveraging base pair mammalian constraint to understand genetic variation and human disease. BioRxiv.Org: The Preprint Server for Biology.

Vollger, M. R., Dishuck, P. C., Harvey, W. T., DeWitt, W. S., Guitart, X., Goldberg, M. E., Rozanski, A. N., Lucas, J., Asri, M., Abel, H. J., Antonacci-Fulton, L. L., Baid, G., Baker, C. A., Belyaeva, A., Billis, K., Bourque, G., Buonaiuto, S., Carroll, A., Chaisson, M. J. P., … Human Pangenome Reference Consortium. (2023). Increased mutation and gene conversion within human segmental duplications. Nature617(7960), 325–334.

Wilder, A. P., Supple, M. A., Subramanian, A., Mudide, A., Swofford, R., Serres-Armero, A., Steiner, C., Koepfli, K.-P., Genereux, D. P., Karlsson, E. K., Lindblad-Toh, K., Marques-Bonet, T., Munoz Fuentes, V., Foley, K., Meyer, W. K., Ryder, O. A., Shapiro, B., Andrews, G., Armstrong, J. C., … Zoonomia Consortium‡. (2023). The contribution of historical processes to contemporary extinction risk in placental mammals. Science (New York, N.Y.)380(6643).

Xue, J. R., Mackay-Smith, A., Mouri, K., Garcia, M. F., Dong, M. X., Akers, J. F., Noble, M., Li, X., Lindblad-Toh, K., Karlsson, E. K., Noonan, J. P., Capellini, T. D., Brennand, K. J., Tewhey, R., Sabeti, P. C., Reilly, S. K., Andrews, G., Armstrong, J. C., Bianchi, M., … Zoonomia Consortium†. (2023). The functional and evolutionary impacts of human-specific deletions in conserved elements. Science (New York, N.Y.)380(6643).


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